Wednesday, April 2, 2008

In the Beginning. . .

Genesis [jen-uh-sis] - the first book of the Bible
Historicity [his-tuh-ris-i-tee] - historical authenticity
Genesistoricity [jen-uh-sis-tuh-ris-i-tee] - The historical authenticty of the Word of God from the very beginning

So. I've always thought about blogging. I read a few blogs with some regularity -- you can find those to the right of this post, I believe. But, I've not really stumbled upon anything that I felt passionate enough about to warrant some kind of on-going commentary.

Well, that's changed.

John 17:17 says "Your word is truth"

Why, then, do we compromise God's Word with man's opinion? Answering that question has been my quest of late, and this blog will be your window on that quest.

I mean, even the Baptist Faith & Message even says that scripture "...has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter. Therefore, all Scripture is totally true and trustworthy." You'd think they'd apply that uniformly. Not so, apparently. More on that tomorrow. . .

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